Category: Stories

Profile: Monica Pool Knox

Ten years in, Monica Pool Knox faced a defining moment. Two paths. Which to choose? Parlay stellar recruiting skills into a sales career or embrace the unknown of an international HR assignment in Puerto Rico? Ultimately,...

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I should mention a few things before I dive too deep into the story; the story of Mixtroz, my tech start up, and how unconventional in the current tech/startup climate we’ve come to be.  I am a 28-year-old extremely type-A...

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Women’s Empowerment: The Path to Diversity in STEM Over 50% of working professionals, the people on Facebook, the people on Twitter, are women. Women are the highest consumers of online products, and we need more women...

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Boxed Out

Middle Easterners’ Quest for Demographic Recognition I remember the first time I saw those boxes. It was in the fifth grade, the first time I had to take a standardized testing exam. The usual blanks were there for me to fill:...

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